I've dabbled in logo making here and there. Shown here is one for the Blue Stone Landscaping company. This is the color version. There is also a black and white and another where just the stone is colorized. I'm teaching myself Adobe Illustrator, so these will eventually get better.
Why do people give their artwork characters stupid, corny names? I've always kinda hated that. So, with that in mind, here's Clem, a chameleon. Also, I won't tell you what "he" is made of or what he likes to do in his spare time. Ridiculous! Okay, I'll tell you. He's made of airbrushed watercolor paper and doesn't like the taste of bugs. Because they're disgusting!
The paper sculpture of this little girl was a commission for a friend of mine. I also did one of Erin's sister, but for the life of me, I can't find it.
I posted the sketch a couple months ago. And I finally got around to finishing my hummingbird with a little digital background to dress it up a little. The body was sculpted using a 50/50 mix of Super Sculpey and Super Sculpey Firm and made into a mold. The wings and beak were made from stencils I cut from plastic blanks. This hummer would have been the fifth in my Animal Pendant Series, but it became a pin instead.
This colorful lighthouse is located in Maine on the eastern most point of the United States. West Quoddy Head Light was originally built in 1807 and rebuilt in 1858. This shot was taken with my Minolta, a 50 mm lens on Kodachrome 64.
I didn't have Photoshop to complete my penguins, so I used an old version of Corel Painter to finish the job. I used faux wood and faux leather techniques to make Wood n Leather Penguins out of Premo polymer clay. Wood n Leather Penguins is the 4th of my Animal Pendants series. As with all my animal pendants, this could also be used to hang decoratively in a shadow box or on a small wall. It is 54 mm (2 1/8") tall.
My penguins are finished, but the weather has been so bad that I can't get a nice photo of 'em. I also lost Photoshop. Anyone out there have about $700 they don't need? In the mean time, here are a couple vessels I tried to make out of polymer clay. Not too shabby for a first-timer. They might look kinda cool in a doll house or miniature room setting. The tall floor vase is about 53 mm (2 1/8") and the water pot is 32 mm (1 5/16"). They are hollow and will hold water. Hope you're not too thirsty!
I'm working on penguins to add to my Animal Pendant series. Here are the sculpts, which will be used for the basic shapes of the penguins. These were made into molds which forms the polymer clay faux wood penguin bodies. Faux leather polymer clay will be used for the flippers and dark areas of the penguins. You probably can't tell by looking at these gray shapes, but the finished product should be pretty cool.